
03 November, 2004
the world turned upside down

as much as it pains me to agree, Ally has it summed up pretty succinctly... to my disappointed, depressed, and dejected mind:

"So, four more years it is. Since the Patriot Act is old news by now, I'll propose its next logical step -- The American Freedom Act. It goes as follows:

We the people, in order to create a more homogenous union, do hereby decree the following: I. The United States government has the right to monitor the private lives of all its citizens. If it's determined that a citizen is a homosexual, a liberal, a minority, or -- heaven forbid -- all three, the government retains the right to detain him or her indefinitely without any legal representation. II. The United States government retains the right to award business contracts to companies run by high-ranking members of the U.S. Government. III. The United States government retains the right to be held unaccountable for all actions and all poverty and deaths related to those actions. And, finally, IV. The United States government, in an effort to ensure a more perfect democracy, does hereby give the President absolute power to rule indefinitely by Divine right. And, since the President draws his authority directly from the Almighty, he also retains the right to send any and all American citizens to Hell." God. damn. it.


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