
05 September, 2002
Dark Days

Down so low, they'll have to pick me up to bury me.

Yesterday was bleak...

...today has been the abyss.

From the minute the clock swept over into Wednesday, it's been total shite. Due to my lateness earlier in the day, I stayed over as payback for the timecard... pushing me deeper and deeper into the early morning. Slipping silently into Ellie's place, I stepped into the bath to do the dental hygiene before falling like a redwood.


The floss grabbed a little pecularly... and flung a chunk of molar like a slingshot. And not the new cap that went in last week. Goddamit. Now I'm sporting a jagged remnant that my tongue annoys constantly. What's more, the dentist can't see me 'til Monday. Perhaps this is what I get for prodding my reluctant spouse to getting her teeth in order (for the first time since her teens)... and assuming the debt when she threw up her hands. So, I backed off on my own. This... the reward.

Made for fitful sleep. All I recall, in the mist of unconsciousness... was being bathed in stage light, looking out into darkness. To either side standing slightly behind guys with pastel colored suits with Stetsons to match... a glimpse of a Telecasters slung across their shoulders. Then, no more. To stark wakefulness... an hour-and-a-half before the alarm.

Stumbling to the kitchen to fire up some high-octane coffee, out blasted Ellie, seemlingly pissed off... assuming that she'd awakened me. Then she was gone. Feeling like an intruder.

This bodes Ill, for the fortunes of this day.

Weight... in the bones. In the attempt at motion. In the air. In the attitude. No escape. No safe haven to lick the wounds and regroup.

Tense atmospherein the workplace... strange sidelong glances from Ellie, with no words.

Toes wriggling over the brink.

What to look forward to?

Another day at home in a construction area. No shower. Even the thought of another intense day in the studio evokes revulsion.

But there is no hibernating. No place to hide. Miss Jane will be all afire to begin on the house. I could'nt care less.

Gimme strength.


hit me with your rhythm stick

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