
15 October, 2002
Black Monday

It's like I've walked into a time warp...

this day, in almost every way, is identical to Monday past.

Boring as fuck. Four jobs to stretch out over twelve hours... and each one buggered in a more significant way than the last, in the most inane of ways. Cuz someone zoned out before me, in the process.

Stick out your can, 'cause here comes the garbage man.

And, some doomed asshole has strung up one of those bat-things for All Hallow's Eve... you know, works on the same principle as The Clapper�: wings flap, shreiks come out, followed by Gothy organ music? It's been "activated" about thirty times in the past eight hours. Somebody's gonna miss their nuts, pretty soon. And their bat decoration. A-harrrrrr!

Only one day left in the vacation bag, dammit.

As if anything is different back where I came from.

Firmly rutted.

It's shaping up to be the coldest night in some time... the back seat in the wagon is piled up with potential candidates for layering. Thank god for heated seats... "bun warmers," I call 'em. Swedes've got a good line on the cure for bitching cold weather.

Bed's going to be cold, though. The fireworks have extinguished otherwise, but at least it's warm under the covers, back home. That's about as good as it gets, thrill-wise. Not exactly orgasmic, to say the least... and I've about played my understanding husband role to the point of no return.

Yet, I have no right to bitch.

Another sniper incident, not far from where I used to work, has become the buzz in the last few minutes. And will be for hours. This place is the shit.

I just cannot fathom the mindset of someone that can take another's life. A crime of passion... maybe, just maybe, only maybe... can I see how it can happen. But as a daily sport? Random target practice, on unarmed people, at a "safe" distance? Goddamn firearms, anyway. And the people who love them.

Come to think of it, last Monday was the same thing.

Screw this... I'm going to Maggie's. Her links'll inject some humor and escape... plus, the pictures are purty. Better to laugh than to cry.


hit me with your rhythm stick

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