
16 October, 2002
How Soon Is Now?

Screwed by technology...

Another entry disappears into the ether.

When switching from Mac to PC, always remember that " control-c" only copies on the PC. Mac'll swallow that sucker whole... and leave a little box picture. Dammitall.


Anyway, I remember the wish list.

I need:

A soul mate. A soul kiss. Green/brown/grey/blue eyes to get lost in. An orgasm of Tsunami proportions. A road to drive on. A red sports sedan (foreign, 50's or 60's vintage) to drive in. T-shirt/barefoot weather. A large, open building to do all of the undone projects in. A pint of stout. A pinch of Mother Nature. A president/political system that I'm not ashamed of. Positive Mental Outlook. More animals. Charged batteries. Good dreams. Et Cetera.

Any one of the above will do, at this point.

How soon is now?


hit me with your rhythm stick

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