
06 October, 2002
The Four Horsemen

A day saturated in motor oil and engine bays in the last gasps of a summery sun.

When the tasks were done, I offered to do some cooking.

Back at the grill, in the dark, a phone call interrupted. A friend who wants to visit on a Saturday night... the first time in weeks another soul enters the house (unless you count the JW's). And her anger overflows. "There are things we have to discuss." As if this brief intrusion will cut off the nonexistent conversation.

Afterwards, the ultimatums. The accusations. The assumptions.

The Four Horsemen ride tonight.

And I will not bend to keep the peace.

I will reason, yes... but not surrender to self-absorbed tears.

This may be the end. The Four Horsemen... so well put, Tari. There was a movie of the same name, back in the sixties... scared the beejeebus out of me. With good reason.


hit me with your rhythm stick

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