
06 October, 2003
fire in the hole

End of part one.

Thanks to the vagaries of Mother Nature, we got kicked with a killing frost on Thursday night. Which meant, i had to bust proverbial ass to pick every fruit off of the pepper plants that i didn't want reduced to a spongy, ruined mass by that afternoon.

What this also meant was four days of cleaning and processing one hundred pounds of lung and skin scorching comestibles, completed at one AM Monday morning. 'Opa!

Good thing that blues series was airing on the public station... and i had Radi0head, Alt0n Ellis, obscure Jamaican R&B... oh, yeah... the Cramps, and some old rusty/dusty tapes to take my mind elsewhere... the extent of my recreation for the whole weekend.

Now, i just hope H0meland Suck-curity doesn't get wind of what's in the freezer... or i'll spend the rest of my life in irons somewhere in Utah. This could light the fire of thousands of assholes, nationwide, in the wrong hands.

All work and no play makes ska-t one boring motherfucker.


hit me with your rhythm stick

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