
08 October, 2003
Jingle All The Way


i feel dizzy.

This day has been a helluva ride.

Forcing myself to extricate myself from the covers, to discover a warmer-than-expected morning... that was much nicer than when i greeted days past with a lusty, hard-edged "FUCK."

Gathered myself early, jumped into the car towards the city (waved into a crowded lane by a comely lass in a BMW) to my version of the fashion hut--the army surplus store--and found a cheaper-than-expected coat.

Extra change at the grocery.

Finally, the dvd of H*E*L*P arrived, supposedly, after waiting two months. By that, i mean that the bookstore got swindled by a foreign copy of a film entitled Help!!!, whose synopsis was written in kanji. Didn't look like no John-Paul-George-Ringo thing, to me. I almost bought it for the kitsch factor, though... the unmitigated gall! Gotta give credit to the ingenuity, though.

Sitting in my email at work was a call-to-arms concerning the F*C*C media ownership ruling in the House, that was being pushed out the door by the majority (who had vested interests, no doubt, in monopoly). Quickly, i made two phone calls: one to the State rep, another to Tom De-Lay (how fitting).

Now, i find Ahhnold now rules California. No wonder the rest of the world hates us... we blow up anybody we feel like, and elect another shallow Face to a major office.

Welcome to Chuckleslovakia.

I rest my case.


hit me with your rhythm stick

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