
10 February, 2004
cumbia de los muertos

there must've been something going around.

cleaning, that is... rearranging. there's like this epidemic of tidiness that seems to have collectively swept most people i know over the past few days. the zeitgeist is... "orderly". not necessarily "anal".

i think everybody's just ODed on the whole winter wonderland concept. come to think of it, i haven't heard any jiveass comments about how delightful cold weather is, for quite some time. at this point, it just might be what it takes to make a weak mind totter into violence.

incarceration for a moment's madness is not exactly a road that i care to tread, if you know what i mean.

another little burst of activity on Sunday resulted in the domino theory... move one thing, and everything else shifts position accordingly. before moving the guitar cases from the living room to the computer room closet, curiosity got the better of me when the sloppy panelling inside looked like it should be removed. behind it, cowboy wallpaper. like an archaeological dig, or opening a 1950's timecapsule.

now, that was cool.

Yoko demolished the kitchen. gone, the godforsaken trailer-style particle-board microwave cabinets. in their place, the old Cosco trolleys... resulting in a space where Grandmother's old hoosier cabinet might go. instant retro.

as the afternoon warmed, i stepped outside to do damage to the broken limbs still dangling from the trees, left over from the hurricane... like, four months ago. instant perspective of the surroundings.

amazing what a little temperature induced freedom can incite.


hit me with your rhythm stick

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