
11 February, 2004
tomorrow never knows

this night is getting out of hand. imagine the audacity... work impugning upon my writing time.

hmmm... if i had a job i cared a shit about, it wouldn't even be an issue.

plus, it's this kind of enlightening artwork that i get to look at:

this was one of those light-at-the-end-of-the-tunnel days. even though i untangled myself from the sheets forty-five minutes late, having slept through two alarms, the climate in the room was a good indicator that the outside was even better. when it's not frigid in the Diva's apartment, it's got to be nice outdoors.

fifty degrees. you know it's been a cold muthafucka when i get all misty and bouncy over temperatures below the seventies. why, i almost remember walking around with no shoes on.

more importantly, if there was a place where i could have stored the hardtop, it would have been RagtopCity. no. we must wait. we must be patient. all things come in time.

some things, anyway.

also coming to and end... theJungle. not a moment too soon. there is always the latent anarchist bubbling below my usually passive exterior... literature such as this feeds my inner Mr. Hyde.

now, the plot has detoured into socialism... considering how truly perverted and fucked the entire system was.. and is, really... it seems a logical possibility. maybe it was a better answer, then... people like their "stuff" too much, these days. comfort in material possessions... the opium of entertainment... attempting to be cool... living their lives to one-up their neighbors. in short, being sheep.

"turn off your mind relax and float downstream." that seems to be the accepted modus operandi, insinuated.

well, i'm guilty of it, too... to a degree. or else i'd be investigated by the MenInBlack in a heartbeat. it reminds me of a Japanese saying (which i paraphrase): the nail that sticks out gets the attention of the hammer.

well... we don't get out of life alive. may as well make it mean something, rather than nothing.

that's why i joined the A*C*L*U, today. just randomly emailing congressmen (through MoveOn.org), didn't seem to be strong enough. or just voting, even. or keeping informed, and not through television.

network TV... what a whitebread, quasi-bible-thumping sack of shit. selling the owners' line of goods, and making it sound like objectivity. maybe they need more tits to keep 'em distracted.

jeez... this turned into a rant, right damned quick.

here's a very interesting thing: if you're undecided about a presidential candidate, this may make a decision easier... www.presidentmatch.com. without looking at the face, and going purely on issues, it's surprisingly effective.

plus, of the possibilities, Dubyuh only came in at 2% for me.

which would be a safe bet, regardless.

back to work.

i'm starting to think too much... and this time of year is deadly.


hit me with your rhythm stick

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