
Andria - 2006-07-13 14:00:36
You know, Aphrodite of Sarcasm might be my new favorite term of endearment - right behind Mean Old Bitch, Horny Old Bitch, Hussy, and my personal favorite - Twat (which still makes me laugh when I think about it). Who says romance is dead???

ps - it's about time. JESUS. ;)
Andria - 2006-07-13 14:12:49
PPS - Yes, you in the Japanese market was indeed hilarious. No one should get that excited about pre-packaged sushi (gag) and an anime store. Unless you're buying me an orchid plant. Then it's completely acceptable.
zoot - 2006-07-13 14:38:52
ah- I thought you had buried yourself inside a cave or some sort! Good to see you writing HERE again! much love xxxxooooo
the management - 2006-07-13 15:08:58
Andria: indeed, it was your comment about my absence for "69" days that got me re-wired for updating... or at least posting the ones that i started (without critical deleting). btw... they make that sushi there, HOB. i'd rather have it wrapped that pawed. good thing we didn't eat there... you'd have had a calf watching me eat baby octopus salad. Zoot: nope. not buried. a little decayed, maybe. ; )
Andria - 2006-07-13 16:23:18
HOB??? This constant affection is why I keep coming back, my dear. Baby octopus salad? Why in hell would anyone want to eat that? I wonder about you sometimes, Scott. I mean, it's not like it's a Kit Kat bar or anything. Heh. ;)
jenny - 2006-07-16 23:19:16
you came out to CA again and didn't tell me? i was probably away anyhow. i haven't visited the other museum you mentioned, but i definitely will. things have been so good. you should make it out to vegas and catch some good shows. i'm currently listening to the soundtrack for ka. beautiful. moving. it seems like you're doing really well and that makes me feel good.

hit me slowly... hit me quick.

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