
andria - 2006-01-09 13:36:04
Manhattans? Hmmmm. I wonder how those taste after they've been thrown at you?

Also, I forgot to tell you earlier that I had a dream you bought a blue Mini and had the British flag painted on the roof. Add that to my list of dreams I hope come true.
scottie - 2006-01-09 17:53:10
that colour-scheme would do, nicely...though i'm probably obligated by genetics to go with a white one with the Finnish flag on the roof, thanks to proof-of-identity law. the cardinal rule of cocktail-slinging: you and your adversary must have different drinks, so each can savor a different flavor than the one in their own glass.
andria - 2006-01-09 19:23:00
Hmmm... then perhaps I'll be drinking a martini when the drink-slinging begins. I am going to begin working on "The Callous Sophisticates: A play in one slurred, drunken act" soon. Look out!

But the Finnish flag is so.boring. It's all about the union jack, dontchaknow. ;)

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