
luva - 2006-01-08 03:38:46
really stupid movies can be very therapeutic. because despite what folks say, they don't make you stupider ... they just provide a stupider/more simplistic perspective. and that can bring a bit of respite. no matter how shallow, it's still respite.
golfwidow - 2006-01-08 09:35:25
Some people just aren't happy unless they're not happy. Trying to help them saps time and energy.

I watched March of the Penguins again last night and it was revitalizing without being stupid. Not that I have anything against stupid movies.
scott - 2006-01-08 10:12:16
...yes, the brain. she's needs the "time out", no?
jen - 2006-01-08 13:39:12
wow. i hope i never come close to being that (your ex's mentality) way. a person like her would frustrate me to no end. i'd probably knock her out or something to put her out of her misery. i have a way with putting my foot into my mouth, but there isn't really a reason why i should tippy-toe around the obvious right? i'm glad you like pandora. it likes you too. take care scott.. hope you get some new greenery with a QUICKNESS!

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