
24 April, 2003
In A Cold Sweat

"Got Guts," alright.

In an uproar.

Straight to the pharmaceuticals, as soon as the door closed behind me... a poor coping mechanism, to say the least.

No without its charms, the ride.

I sang, testified, swooned to these sounds on the player:

Brenda Lee

Wanda Jackson

Fairground Attraction



Porter Wagonner

les T�t�s Brul�es

...all over the musical map.

Deposited, immediately, up the gravel drive and to my door.

Second verse, same as the first.

Baby-sat by BBC and twenty-4.

Until the sun came up.

Four hours later, it's "le T�t� Brule," for real.

And now, I bolt for the door.


hit me with your rhythm stick

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