
11 October, 2002
Tiempo del Fiesta

Now, this is a departure... pecking away at this in late afternoon, rather than cloak of darkness. Banded grey skies and a curtain of rain makes it feel like night, though.

The first full day of precip in four months... the ground soaking it up like a sponge. A good day to listen to five hours of John Coltrane, and become a heroin addict. Maybe not.

In the Soap Opera that is my life, Miss Jane has just left to console her daughter on the breakup of her marriage. It's been ugly... since she approaches men on a physical level (including extramaritally), her choices haven't been good ones. Always, at war. Looks like the next generation will have the dubious opportunity to view the world as I do.

Will the circle be unbroken.

Miss Jane, with her own issues, has gone to her side. Another time, I would have as well... but I find myself burned out on a relationship that was based largely on her being reunited with her mother, since my home was convenient.

So, I demure. In other words, screw that.

Instead, I plan on doing some writing, photo-manipulating, catching up on the Sopranos... and thinking about single life. Or one built upon moving forward and avoiding repeating the same mistakes.

With any luck, I've finally assmebled most of what I need to play Dr. Frankenstein on the Trooper... looking forward to attaching the electrodes, sending up the kite into the storm, and breathing life back into its lifeless form. When the rains cease.

"Fire"... "Smoke"... "NO Good!"

Pale Rasta webhost called for the first time in months, informing me that my site will be back up in days. And me, with a crisis of faith.

And so, continues my "vacation."

How adventurous.


hit me with your rhythm stick

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