
10 July, 2002

Got the trombone stylings of the late Don Drummond and the Skatalites as soundtrack, as Tuesday becomes history, and I launch my pecking party. Trombone has to be the oily-est sounding instrument in the brass section... turns your spine into a snake when you listen to it. Another axe to learn to play before the last curtain, by cracky.

Made good on my little trip to Leesburg to check out possible skin illustration. Now, Leesburg and I have a history... I try to navigate through it, it tries to fuck up my sense of direction. Considering I crossed the country on a bicycle and never put a wheel wrong, this is an issue.

It almost got me again, today.

An old town (by USA standards). Narrow, two-lane main street, encroached upon by pre-Victorian buildings, BMW-Mercedes-Jaguars-Land Rovers and the well-to-do as far as the eye can see. Yuppies and Old Money. I found myself detoured out of town after sightseeing (what got me last time), pulled a U-ie and parked at town center, and planned to find a semi-hip store and get my bearings. I got on my feet and strolled ten feet to the crosswalk, and waiting for the luxury traffic to part... cast my gaze across the street, where the Ink Parlor blinked neon like a lighthouse. Asked some pithy questions, checked out the artists' efforts, and found that sticker that was supposed to be so "me." A pair of cartoony shriners in fez's, labelled "Two Mean Drunks." That'll do. Artist? "Shag."

"Shag." Now, this raises an issue. Considering Austin Powers, and decades of British humor, this probably means something different to me than the artist intended. Roit, the beast wi' two backs, Aye? Puts a whole new slant on Scooby Doo's buddy, "Shaggy," too (Get it, Velma!). It's another name for east coast beach music dancing.An even more horrid mental picture... the "Shaggs," a sixties-era sister band, that most everyone at the radio station consider Godhead to LoFi music (gives me the shivers, and makes me feel... kinda embarrassed. Dang near unlistenable). On the cover art of their "debut" LP, Philosophy Of The World, the snare drum is strategically placed... or else I doubt I'd have ever Shagged in my life.

Considering recent developments, that's yet another axe to grind.

Making progress on the bumpersticker... that's what work seems to be good for, lately, plus sharpening my typing skills. Perhaps the station manager won't lose it all, this time. Wanker.

He does talk about shagging, quite a bit. I'll bet he owns a Shaggs record.

And wishes the snare wasn't there.


hit me with your rhythm stick

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