
10 July, 2002
the Clampdown

Going home day... usually, an adrenaline-pumper... pretty ambivalent, this time around.

Though I'm not seeing much of her at the apartment, it's like the Taj Mahal at Elly Mae's.

No chaotic sleeplessness. A decent shower. Real people instead of faceless, singleminded, empire-building thirtysomethings. Parking sucks a little, but it's to be expected in CommuterHell Virginia. Plus, she keeps giving me stuff to eat. Too good to be true, more than likely.

I thought it was going to be another as-usual sentence on the timeclock, but... Oh, no.

For a couple of years, now, the company's been hiring contractors for cleaning, after hours (which means, when I'm there)... a revolving cast of hispanic folks. Every one, just cool to get along with. Thanks to wasting my credits in high school and college on French (six years worth), it's been a struggle to learn spanish on the fly... but they tolerate it. Appreciation for spicy-hot food and football (soccer, that is) certainly helps.

The powers-that-be dropped the bomb on Fabio and his wife Vida (not the blond-tressed margarine dude, who got clobbered by a goose on the rollercoaster, at Busch Gardens). Told there services are no longer needed as of Friday. Well, they do the same thing to people who've worked here for thirty years, anyway... but it just seems criminal... especially since they've got a baby on the way. Better than it must have been in el Salvador, but crueler in its own way.

I'll bet the HR people never even looked them in the eye the entire time they were here... but bitched about them behind their backs if the offices weren't antiseptic. Put a suit on somebody, introduce them to golf clubs, and they want their asses wiped. No office for me, thanks. "Working for The Clampdown." The Clash got it right, again.

So, in my halting spanish, I told them "isuerte" (good luck), peeled my soccer magnet off the volvo, and gave it to Fabio. Makes me sick... like a good friends leaving. Fuck.


On a lighter note, here's my bizarre album cover for the day. I guess it's "lighter."


hit me with your rhythm stick

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