
08 May, 2003
the Treehouse

I'm not one of those who can wake up, slash down a cup of coffee, jump into the shower... then into clothes and instantly attack the world. I blame too many years of the night shift... but it's always been that way, really.

The night life is my life.

Consequently, I have to ease into the day. A couple of strong cups of the strong stuff, some reading... the gradual approach suits me much better. I know I've written this before, but this way-of-life makes for interesting interludes. Being just that half-step off of the beat.

The sun finally returned, today, so I made my stand on the balcony of the Diva's apartment with the necessary accessories. Overnight, the leaves erupted in a canopy of green, obscuring the parking lot.

The tree house, I call it.

After I sipped and lit my first, from across the green came the barely distinguishable sound of middle eastern music. The sounds of the laughter of tiny children carried across the canopy, responding to the musical lilt of an arabic woman's instigations. A scene that could only happen here... or anywhere that the population is large.

Happy sounds. Pleasant, wherever they come from.

I walked outside, and the weather had turned steamy. Stereotypical Virginia summer, sticky. I love it... it means shorts, shoelessness, top down... sushi in the evening, and beer in the late night.

And the sushi... the freshest uni, ever. Herring roe. O-toro. Hot sake.

And the most stunningly beautiful and friendly Japanese girl I have ever had the pleasure to meet.

Better things for the heart, today.


hit me with your rhythm stick

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