
10 May, 2003
This Man... Don't Trouble No Man...

A week-ending rollercoaster ride.

Drifting in-and-out through more troublesome dreams, it was a concerted effort to make them remain in the subconscious where they belong. No more sumliminal leakage and mind-altering today, please.

There was electricity in the air.

That still, brooding element to the sky... as if the fireworks could start at any time. When I unpacked at the studio, and had a final smoke before the marathon festivities began, blackness was approaching like a big wave of anger to the northwest. Good time to be surrounded by lots of electrical equipment and shielded-copper spaghetti.

Safe enough. Not long after beginning to spin some classic honky tonk from the ladies (L0retta Lynn, Wanda Jackson, Patsy C1ine, 1ucinda Wi11iams), the EAS alarm interrupted the broadcast, twice. Transmitter failed... three times. The window outside was a picture of night. And then it crossed over.

And the pledges came in. After the embarrassment of last week, this was the kick-in-the-pants necessary to not say "fuck it, eleven years is enough." Nice to know I'm not just playing with myself behind the mike.

It'll be co-piloting for the Pogues and Waterboys show, in the morning.

After, I took a trip to the new Vespa shop, and had a nice, long discussion with the manager... fellow ska and rocksteady freak, and future club founder. Finally, scooters in CVille. Flavor. Possibility of DJing a real party, for interesting people.

A pleasant upturn.

While conserving my energies this evening, some sweet Caribbean bass was coming through the speakers, in tribute to the fallen. Dr. Mo, still infecting and inciting the masses.

Which brought back a reminder of one of the reasons that brought me to radio... a potent one, at that. Remembering to not grow up so much as to forget how to get excited about something as elemental as a rhythm. A turn of lyrical phrase. A mood. Presenting it, hopefully, to someone in earshot that just might get as inspired, and carry the feeling to the next victim. Cultivating open-mindedness. Now, that's a legacy to be proud to leave behind... leaving an imprint not so much tangible but alive in other minds. A likkle bita Zeitgeist.

With a beat.


hit me with your rhythm stick

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