
26 February, 2004
what a wonderful world

the house of cards collapsed.

the razor's edge upon which everything was precariously balanced, finally teetered into chaos as i was entering the door, this afternoon. digital shit hitting the proverbial fan. all. servers. dead.

now, if i wasn't in the pivotal position between departments, coordinating the prepress and press, i would have sat back, folded my arms and made sarcastic comments for most of the afternoon. unfortunately, my veal fatting pen was shit central... not so far from status quo, come to think of it.

the real comedy was the serenity of IT nerd... still "blissed out" from his reiki classes form the weekend past.

i am not making this up.

though i wish i had.

this will be the last in this short series of work-related haranguing. because, when i depart, the door will not hit me in the ass... so swift will be my exit.

collapse, at will.


hit me with your rhythm stick

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