
04 December, 2002
Tinieblas Tormenta

The foundation remains a little porous, but not as shaky as the recent past. Still, there's something unsettled about the atmosphere... like everyone is riding their own psychic rollercoaster. Some going up... others down. Entirely too quiet, but that may be my overstimulated observation... as if some kind of unnoticed electric thrum is going on underfoot, unnoticed until the silence closes in, then becomes unmistakeable. Preparing to erupt.

Freakily, Ellie seems to have this wild case of displeasure in her demeanor. Unresponsive. Pissy. Makes me wonder if I'd been sleepwalking or speaking in tongues through the night hours. Fat chance I'll find out... and I thought I was the moody one. In that respect, I've certainly met my match. Uncanny how similar our paths have been to this point... unsettling, actually. We're both standing on our respective sides of the invisible line that's been drawn in our roommate-dom. You can feel the tension there, also.

Closing in on the Witching Hour, all computers are switched onto the radar... anticipating the Ghost Snowstorm. Hell, that's all anyone's been talking about all day long... and I wish the topic of conversation would change. Goddamit. I'll find out when I guide the car south... and that's the only time it'll matter. Not like I haven't dealt with inclement conditions like this in the past.

Looks like I'll miss yet another show I've been frothing at the mouth over, tomorrow night... since I'll be footing the bill for the second-hand cat tomorrow, it'll preclude the Los Straightjackets/Fabulous Pontani Sisters Christmas Pageant.

Noble Sacrifice. How I tire of it... and there is no payback.

But, I've been compensating on the net... looking for el Santo videos. Mexico City Wrestling superhero... Vampire Women... overdubbed latin... gotta have it.

Life just isn't strange enough, or else needs an antidote... looks like a good candidate. Consequently, I've decided that if I ever get pranged on the head hard enough, or life is turned completely upside-down, I'll migrate to Mexico City, get someone to design an outrageous mask, and change my name to "Tinieblas Tormenta"--Dark Storm.

It'll beat the hell out of slow, lingering demise.


hit me with your rhythm stick

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