
13 January, 2004
misty toilet-water memories


i've heard it said that certain smells can evoke an emotional response... trigger a memory...

well, it just now happened... though it could have been a bit more poetic, in a misty watercolour memory kinda way.

not my style.

nope, i just got a mystery whiff that reminded me of what my grandmother's bathroom used to smell like.

in the house that my granddad built from MontgomeryWards plans in 1931, there was no plumbing until just before i came along. hell, this was before there were electrical lines servicing the house... there used to be a huge DC battery in the sod-floored basement. heat either came from the little grate in the living room, or from the wood stove.

generally, it was cold in there. and no exhaust fan, either.

i loved my granny, and to this day, miss her dearly... but she had a bad habit of medicating herself with over-the-counter laxatives. must've been a fixation of older folks... excretion, that is. or, more correctly, "regularity". if you watch the evening news, that's all the advertising you see.


back to the point... walking past where the plate processors lay in wait, i got a whiff of the same smell that little seldom-flushed bathroom was perfumed with. since grandmother endured the Depression, excessive use of water was not to be tolerated.

misty toilet-water memories. my specialty. up yours, Streisand.

it was a be-careful-what-you-wish day. i'd been wishing for a reasonable laptop to carry with me to work... turns out, my roommate the Diva is gearing up for a new one, and is letting her old one go. just in time for Jamaica savings. Perhaps it's time to dump some old stuff on the-eBay. gotta work for what you wish, too.

and this time, i wish to make this trip so. no week-long vacation in over two years, too many daydreams about going abroad... something has to give. i broached the subject with Yoko during the course of the weekend... naturally, she doesn't like the traveling companions, or so i surmise. it would be easier if she didn't want to go... but i imagine life will be made a living hell, otherwise.

not for a whole week, though.

i might even come back.


hit me with your rhythm stick

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