
12 March, 2003

Tightly cocooned in the quilts and blankets, I fought consciousness well before the cheap Chinese alarm, then the cellphone alarm gave the signal to motivate. Drifting in-and-out of unremembered dreams... catching the scent of strong coffee, then soap through the layers of fabric. Solitary. Seven hours of body warmth barely combatting the chill of the room. Chilling music also, beginning the morning's soundtrack... Gang of Four: "we live, as we dream... alone."

Braving the shock of cold air against bare skin, I stutter-stepped to the window, twirling the rod on the blinds to let in the first glimpse of the world.

Snow. Swirling. Dense.

The first-ever words from my mouth, this day: "Sonofabitch!!!"

Not lost on Diva, who hadn't yet left the apartment (that's her nickname... appropriate, more so than "Ellie"). The Informer. Yes, the entire company now knows how I greet the day. Gee, thanks.

Regardless, I managed to start the coffeemaker, waiting patiently for revival. Before the first sip, I threw on sweaters, vest, beret... and stepped onto the balcony to face the music.

Fleecy, clumped flakes...more like asbestos than crystals.

Not long for this world, though... much too warm. Merely temporary.

Like Everything.


hit me with your rhythm stick

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