
10 December, 2004
oh, what a species

looking back across the porch, assessing the dank air that i was breathing and the overbearing greyness that was the morning, i noticed the footprints that i'd made on the concrete... noting the perfect detail of the character of my soles from the rain-stippled edges to the dry spot where i was reconnoitering.
and, in one of those caffeine-induced revelations of the obvious, instantly assumed that this might be where our forebears got the concept of offset printing: apply medium to image surface and transfer treated image with pressure. Go-Go-Gutenberg, pride of Heidelberg!
yes, that's how work leaked into my day off.
by rights, there should be a mild headache insinuating itself, after using gin-and-tonic survival skills to get past the mire that was a torrential yesterday. after my haunted entry the day before, the ride home was punctuated by the truck shutting itself off at stop signs within sight of the house. how appropriate. no wonder i'm superstitious.
helping in the recovery, every light glowing in the house and generous application of loud, loud music: Sinatra-Screamin'JayHawkins-LeeHazelwood-CharlieFeathers-AprilMarch-MagicalMysteryTour-KingBennieNawahii. Back to reality with BowlingForColumbine.
dawns the day in classic "second verse, same as the first" stylee. except the truck acts ok, now. go figure.
my spouse again absent for the weekend, as she will be the next, here i sit... trying to think of ways to ditch the long drive to TJVille for late, live rockabilly, the accompanying traffic crawl and beer cravings. it's always like this, anymore... so seldom do i get out to where the action is, the approach of a change-of-pace draws second thoughts. and usually turns out to be a good time.
of course, i feel obligated to do the same, tomorrow, with a DC reggae band playing tomorrow night. DJ gotta make an appearance for the street cred.
feast or famine, all the while.
i hear O-RenIshii swearing and dropping severed heads on the stereo... guess that's the cue to cut the shit.
and make tracks.


hit me with your rhythm stick

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