
29 August, 2003
it's... SHOWTIME

no time for reminiscing.

and why?

concert calendar to compile

hour trip to the station

two hours of radio (and the students are back)

fliers to discard

sign to letter for Slick Willie.

add to this, prior to the above person arriving with his late request an six-pack of Harp, i'd just ground up the first batch of peppers in the processor... one pepper left to drop into the chute, i decided to take a peek to see if there was room. with my glasses off. and the blades spinning.

can you guess what happened?

scotch bonnet juice shot straight up into my right eye... it would have been less painful if i'd squirted lighter fluid into it, and set it alight.

yes, owie. to the tenth power.

hey, at least i can still see, now. i wasn't sure, for a while.

so, this is the baseline for this day... should be quite interesting, indeed.


hit me with your rhythm stick

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