
10 May, 2005
hard words break no bones/fine words butter no parsnips

some time ago, a fortune cookie evoked some serious head-scratching due to its cryptic message.

well, it was just a preface for the one i cracked open, last night... after devouring some shrimp mein fun, extra-spicy. the one that provides the title to this entry. it probably speaks volumes about how my mind works, but i "get it", really... though i defy most others to do the same.

and i have never buttered a parsnip. nor eaten one. they taste good with butter?

so, now, this will have to go down as the single-most fucked up fortune i have ever had the opportunity to crack open a cookie for... and, the participle is not the only thing dangling.

maybe Yoko unwittingly prepared me for this one, when she returned home with a copy of HouseOfFlyingDaggers. i have learned never to expect a foreign plot to go where i expect it, for there to be happy endings, or to totally understand what i had witnessed until days afterwards.

good practice for cryptic cookie mysteries.


hit me with your rhythm stick

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