
09 March, 2003
Senses Working Overtime

My eyes...they are burning.

Need some shades to shield them from the glare of notepad.

They're a bit overworked... this was a very visual day. All of the senses got to flex on this turn of the clock.

I've been waiting for this one, swearing that the first day that promised even minimal warm temperatures, the top was going to come off the little sushi skate.

It took forever to reach that point... emergency taping for my mother's just-out-of-surgery Lab (both ears cossetted like a WWII pilots helmet) and a surprise visit from Slick Willie (showing off his new 750 Bimmer... bling-bling) pushed the decapitating later and later. No deny ing it... off it came.

Be it "fun" or just sensory overload (I supose they might mean the same thing), setting out for the mountains with the sky as the ceiling was like crossing the border from Kansas to Oz... surreal. Super real. Colors blurring by, horizon rising and undulating. Wind whipping the hair, though the heat coursing from the vents kept the toes toasty. All manner of smells, from skunk to cow manure to burgers to stir fry. Delightful burble from the tailpipe, and the vintage mix of Billy Bragg and the Jam and the era on the just-as-vintage tape. Don't wanna come down.

The tide of the evening cool settled in, soon enough... stark lacy shadows and strobing sun fighting the day's lost battle.

So, it was getting dark, OK?

Rather than let the rest go by without having done anything "useful," I tested the alcohol of the beer that's almost worthy of the name, tidied up some of my flung-off belongings... and stumbled across surreal episode number two. Walking back through the hallway to the living room, I just stopped... and looked at the furnishings and clutter and the layout of the room, taking a mental snapshot. The burned in image on the brain for that time when I don't live here anymore. Didn't even know I was locked-and-loaded for that one. Must be because of the letter from the landlady, upping the rent another fifty bucks.

Then... I prepared to sit on my ass. Bourne 1dentity on the PPV. Not until Miss Jane, after hearing me say, "beach" this afternoon, had me look at some places on the 0uter Banks. My big mouth.

Praise be... an excellent spy flick. Sexy-not sexy-stunning leading lady, best chase scene starring a Mini in many a moon. I love a good intrigue, or else I wouldn't call myself "G0ldfinger" on the radio. Great track from M0by, as well. Lucky.

Are we there, yet?

I surely hope not.

Gonna have to rest these peepers, though.


hit me with your rhythm stick

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