
04 September, 2003
riders on the storm

Above this chair, rain is pummeling the roof... like tons of pebbles cast by the mother of all poltergeists. Since this has been going on for days in a climate just a few percentage points from being pure water, it could be so.

Earlier, before committing my day to twelve-hour incarceration, i could swear that if i made a fist, i could squeeze water out of the air.

Kinda soupy, like.

September, already.


Better invest in snow boots early... and pharmaceuticals. This could be a bumpy ride.

This night is drawing to a languid close... the network, spastic and syrupy; fotolog, glitchy and repulsing every attempt to update. I can feel that itch to abandon the computer, again.

Easily achieved.

Since the clock on the wall shows me it's time to pack this shit up, i'll just have to leave my last bit of punk reminiscing for the morning.

Providing, of course, that the way is not fraught with torrential peril.


hit me with your rhythm stick

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