
26 October, 2003
leafer madness... pt. 1

unnatural. sitting here, on a Sunday. ruled by the clock... in fact, this whole day is defined by the clock and how we fuck with it. it's fucking with me, too. everybody gets so worked up about having "an extra hour of sleep." well, if you work at night, what you're really doing is staying up an extra hour.

not much to get excited about, in that perspective.

i should mention Friday. it was good, the marathon, that is. like usual, i'd stressed about having enough to play, having researched enough, dug as deep as humanly possible to find what sounds good and has never been heard. greeted at the door by the jazz director, i was sensing a little behaviour modification on his part... a little third degree in attempting to make me a mean pledge-drive machine.


three of these things a year, for the past eleven (i need to put in writing what they covered, at some point). i think i have a clue, by now.

as usual, a slow start... this was from 1PM 'til 4, not prime time for most people to be listening, or close to an accessible phone. i saw him in the corner of my eye, a time or to... just before he tried to give me the gung-ho shit again. disappointed with the totals. he should've stuck around.

more than i've ever made for the station, on a Friday or any other day. plus, it was fun.

chill out, jazz dude.

yesterday became Limbo Day. burnt from Friday, unable to immerse myself in any project, because of having to work, today... i sought the solace of the road. before the trees flare up and collapse, one day needs to be spent to witness the technicolor kaleidoscope that is virginia. before the greyness descends. and, oh yes, it will descend.

i'm going to have to continue this later... i have had enough of the lash, for now.


hit me with your rhythm stick

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