
14 April, 2003

Amazing, the crap that builds up that seemed so important, once upon a time. Ignored, yet still in the background. Impossible to find, when it's really needed.

Personally, Philosophically, Digitally... word. Uppermost.

And all I specifically mean is the computer. I'm on a safari for drivers for my card reader... somewhere in the maelstrom that is this room. Furnished in drawing table, LPs and CDs, digital HQ; decorated in Jamaican and vintage motorsports posters, hibiscus, and other barnacles of my life.

I spent some time in the basement this afternoon, where all of the outdoor plants have been snoozing under the grow-lights since fall. With camera. The exotics are remembering home, and blooming accordingly.

Now we've got USB constipation in this newly lobotomised artificial brain. Good thing there's a mac at work. It'll keep.

It was the outdoors where my heart lay. Thrills were not expected in mowing the grass for the first time, but the pretense was good for a couple of hours of sun warming my bare back. The cedar needles in my boxers, I could have done without. Enveloped in warmth... that was rejuvenating.

Washed and dried clothes. Dissected the Miata for a stereo transplant. Walked on the mountain (which needs a name). Kept focused.

Miss Jane decided to reappear about seven in the evening, her stays at Josie's getting longer and longer... the apart time, also. Even after they spent Tuesday night together. It just keeps stretching and thinning, this fragile connection. I wonder if it'll snap loudly when it finally breaks.

Add to this, her asking me if I wanted to pay up to vacation with them, again this year. I guess she didn't remember the part about the passports or the west coast, not so long ago. Another little stretch....

Oh, for one more day, and nothing to do in it. Somewhere close to water, with the top down. And conversation. And romance.

People say I'm a dreamer.


hit me with your rhythm stick

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