
12 July, 2003
everybody's happy nowadays

...a non-idyllic melody dashed out in chugging rhythm.

there'll be more of this when i ride to richmond on sunday to see the buzzcocks... one old-school not-exactly punk band i never before took the opportunity to see. Now... i need the excessive volume, the sweaty room, that hazy ectoplasmic cloud of electricity that hangs heavy in a guitar frenzy.

It was the last song i played before going out and doing more favors... up ladders, twisting screwdrivers, working around worried spiders, walking through the peatbog of the landfill (looking much like a stonehenge of cast off kitchen appliances).

It remained in my head, for most of the afternoon... just like the other last-played songs in the past. in pitch. in tempo. i would swear that if it were spun in the deck again, i'd be in key.

when my capacity to perform any more altruism exhausted it's supply of momentum, i was spent. dutifully waiting until five o'clock to mix a G&T, the front porch beckoned... as did the novel of contrived lust, treachery, resignation, violence and finality. sitting on the coffee table were two VHS cases caging Casin0. suggested viewing, following the same dour attributes. quite a theme for this day.

in between revulsions, i walked down the steps to put the top back up on the meeyatta... the minute my butt hit the seat to pull up the header, i knew that i had to go. anywhere.

the sky was wiped clear of the attitude of the past few days, changed to crystal clarity... dark, cool perfume from the green chlorophyll walls... contrast where there was overcast... a sun about to set.

road trip.

a chill in the hollows, warm on the crests, exhaust note burbling, shadow and colour strobing, silvery scars of reflection on the lake peeking from behind tree line and corners and hills. a woman in the passenger seat. wind-disheveled hair. all those things that make the top down ride worthwhile.

more than once i wished the camera was with me... though i knew it was impossible to commit all of the elements to a microchip, when the eyes lust and the hands are unresponsive.

but, everybody's happy, now, today.


hit me with your rhythm stick

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