
04 March, 2003
Patience, Grasshopper.

I closed my eyes in March... and reopened them in December. As if I'd slept clear through Spring-Summer-Fall, and awakened in the depths of winter.

That, simply put, would be a bitch.

Inaugurating the week in the throes of bitter cold, was a sobering smack-in-the-face... a not-so-gentle reminder that warm days are not yet the norm. Quite a rude awakening, as breathtaking as was yesterday.

No matter, the change approaches... as poetically sung by the Heptones, "maybe for long, but not forever."

There's light at the end of this tunnel.

Hopefully, the same can be said for the personal atmosphere. Dog-bitten on the index finger (though not maliciously, by my mother's aging Lab), pinched by pliers on the thumb (in the course of replacing fuel pumps), bored shitless by the mindless transfer of files (in what used to be a manual, aesthetic exercise)... sore physically, and mentally. That's the foundation, as the week begins.

Depleted. Desirous. Disused.

It's time to bend the twig , so this tree will incline.


hit me with your rhythm stick

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