
29 January, 2004
light at the end of the tunnel

i was remarking to Yoko, after the first cup of coffee or so, about how unbelievable that six days have gone by since i was last at work. even when cabin fever was at its worst... oh, about Monday afternoon.... it was a concept i hadn't yet grasped, though i'd exhausted every english murder mystery on tube or tape, every rerun FA cup match, paced back-and-forth between windows-thermometer-kerosene heater, played catch with the cat 'til the veins in my right arm were bulging from the tossing, and those in my left did not. it was an all-consuming mindless existence. and the choice of being there or eighty-four miles away in foul conditions was worth the sacrifice in vacation.

recon ah didn"t have to keel nobody.

constant overcast or frozen precipitates. temperature unyielding at 18� F. Nature's home arrest. no fun pharmaceuticals, or birthday booty. a few of my un-favorite things.

but... i didn't get trapped in a ditch, miles from home or heater. or flattened forever by chaotic traffic. nor forced to huddle in a powerless house. not alone. or deceased.

guess it wasn't so bad, after all.

golfwidow's thoughtfulness made me beam, and then i strolled to grandma's old GE to procure some frothy-yeasty-hoppy comestibles and raise a pint glass to web-style companionship.

old things were handled, and valued, and planned for recycling into someone elses' hands.

dreams were dreamed and became fashioned into realities of warm places and translucent blue water and tongue-searing spices and mind-altering substances and rain tracing the curves of sun-browned skin and the promise of fresh perspective.


hit me with your rhythm stick

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