
Andria - 2007-02-13 17:04:17
Ugh. Maybe after they do those cuts, they can institute that moron Joe Lieberman's "War On Terrorism Tax". So, you know - we, as taxpayers can feel the burden of the war like people who are fighting it do. Because if we don't pay more for a war we shouldn't even be in, then we must not care. I hate our current administration. So very much.Now you got me all worked up at work! (and not in the good way, either)
the management - 2007-02-13 17:54:00
can't help it My Dear... i read current events for breakfast. mmmm... bullshite! eventually, my Senators are going to have my address blocked. no worries... it's my Representative who needs the needling.
again, with the management - 2007-02-13 17:55:30
Lieberman? you mean, "Droopy Dogg Nutts"?
Andria - 2007-02-13 19:55:29
Well, you know, if they do block your address, you could always skip town and get a whole NEW address. I'm just sayin'. ;)
GoingLoopy - 2007-02-14 11:09:03
Yeah, nothing like unrealistic bullshit budgets to make your successor's job fun...and then talk smack about how it's all the fault of the Democrats.
Andria - 2007-04-18 22:20:46
Ahem. It says you haven't updated for SIXTY FOUR DAYS. Surely you have something interesting to write about. Perhaps a vacation, a striking young woman whose beauty is outdone only by her biting wit, etc, etc. I mean, there has to be something that you've been up to...

hit me slowly... hit me quick.

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