
Andria - 2006-03-08 01:29:39
Don't you hate when crappy songs get stuck in your head? Like when someone sends you an email that says "What you going to do with all that junk?" :)

Also, that song affected you because you're not a big heartless asshole.

Dammit. Now that song's in my head again.
scottie - 2006-03-08 01:38:40
who on earth would dare torment you with that "junk"? sucker needs a "hump", all right.
Andria - 2006-03-08 01:53:59
Hmmmm... who, indeed?? That sucker's going to get a lot more than a "hump" if I ever get my hands on him.
luva - 2006-03-08 18:54:55
i once attended a folk show at a coffeehouse where, after the singer's set, someone in the audience shouted "free bird!" i assumed the shouter was being ironic, so i cracked up. it was a very small venue, and i could feel all the hairy eyeballs on me ... and then, the singer actually sang "free bird." then i gouged out my eyes and stuffed them in my ears.

more recently, however, i attended a friend's drag king rock show. a bunch of women pretending to be men and singing cock rock very convincingly. it was awesome. they ended with a perfectly ridiculous yet somehow still technically skillful cover of "free bird", during which one of the stage hands came out to wave a giant plastic bird over the heads of the audience members while the bird dispensed glitter out of its ass. that was awesome.
scott - 2006-03-08 20:05:32
now that, luva, is a version of "Free Bird" that i can deal with! i was going to say, "get behind it"... well, that's not so aesthetically appealing, is it? and, folk "Free Bird"? there must be a special circle of Hell for that.

hit me slowly... hit me quick.

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