
Trish - 2006-01-30 10:15:32
I did that not too long ago. All over me, the cabinets and the kitchen floor.
golfwidow - 2006-01-30 12:54:55
I do that more often than not. And it always seems as though I remember to squeeze lightly at first when it's aimed correctly, but forget and hit it full-blast when it's aimed at me.
Andria - 2006-01-30 13:00:40
Hey, guess what? When you use the word "V-i-a-g-r-a" in a comment, it gets automatically deleted and now I'm considered a spammer. Fuckers. ANYHOO, what I said was: I thought "sexy baby and bad erection" could either be the names of the characters in "The Callous Sophisticates," or the newest crime-fighting duo saving the world with T&A and a certain blue pill.
Andria - 2006-01-30 17:30:20
You didn't put a closing tag, dear. Hmmm... what about Big Daddy and Sexy Baby? Hmmm... I think this movie is going in an entirely different direction...
Big Daddy - 2006-01-30 18:10:37
(if my old typing teacher could see me now, Andria) let's go with the "Callous Sophisticates". sounds like Big Daddy and Maggie The Cat from Cat On A Hot Tin Roof. "bad erection"?! meaning, perhaps, "unaesthetic"? or "malevolent"? or "Fly"?
Andria - 2006-01-30 19:35:30
If we're going with the "Cat on a Hot Tin Roof" thing, clearly the only word we can go with is "MANDACITY!"I love that movie.

Does this mean I should call you Big Daddy from now on???
Andria - 2006-01-30 19:39:13
papa grande - 2006-01-30 22:17:35
you needn't have blasphemed... i've got the keys to the "delete" button, which i hadn't had to use until you pointed out my html gaffe. all is well. last word about the sprayer incident: this is not the first time, either.

hit me slowly... hit me quick.

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