
golfwidow - 2005-12-13 11:34:08
Those chairs are so cute. Because I'm a girl and I said so. My favorite Ella is "I'll Take Manhattan."
zoot - 2005-12-13 11:52:47
the chairs look great! I need to refinish my great-grandmother's kitchen table. And don't give in to the tears. They're 99% fake. I'm a woman, I know. She may seem genuinely desperate, but I know a LOT of women who are able to shed those crocodile tears. I don't because I have dignity.
Pam - 2005-12-13 14:39:36
I love those chairs. And sometimes I wish I was handling my situation more as you handle yours - with more reclusiveness and less assholery. At least that would be more productive. I guess we all find balance in time.
scott - 2005-12-13 16:05:35
my dear, the jury's still out on the benefits of "reclusiveness". friends and family are the best safety net, i think... and a little inebriation never hurt anybody.
scott - 2005-12-13 18:52:41
GW: thanks for another Ella to check out. and i'm still smiling, wryly, about Year 4 At Hog Wars. zoot: i know what you're talking about. plus, she took the K-Y with her when she left, and i don't think it was for hand moisturizing, either. so much for my "dignity".
f-i-n - 2005-12-17 16:15:36
Those chairs are adorable.

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