
31 July, 2004
flowers of carnage

so this is one of those times where i can't type for crap... or else i'm trying to channel my inner Finlander. extra "i's" and "K's" and "j's" must just be pre-programmed in.

i shall be undaunted.

a Seinajokker.

as usual, there's too much on my plate. car inspections, repairing/scraping/painting the house, needing to cut grass, finish up drawings, and buy something for Yoko's birthday (which is tomorrow)... of course, i've got to drive to Richmond to pick her up from her flight back from Florida.

and what do i allow myself to be distracted by?

manga. especially this one. it can't be called "mindless fun", though. there's story. and execllent draftsmanship.

it lights a fire.

and unreasonable desires for two-dimensional females.

"unreasonable" is the operant word, here. reason is escaping me.

i vacantly turn on the tube, wallow in thePrisoner (which hits too many sore areas), and am bombarded with adverts. every one, not-so subtly nudging the ribcage with sex. and fools proclaiming "it's all about me!" sold-out pop songs... Iggy should have made them add the line "no more beating my brains, with liquor and drugs" and the bits about government loans, and torture films.

just so the audience knows what the real deal is.

screw it. i'm hitting the sheets. i'll probably dream of Helsinki... cuz i've certainly got that Hell-Sinking feeling.


hit me with your rhythm stick

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