
28 June, 2002
Can't Go Home Like This

Back in the day, when I was catching a school bus,

the local radio had a one-song spot in the morning, that they called

March Around The Breakfast TAble... Like John Phillip Sousa. I swear to God.

It'd get your cereal all sour in your stomach.

So, naturally, I will start calling the daily song in my head:

March Around The Breakfast Table:

Today's Flag Waver,

"Can't Go Home Like This"

...by Ray Price

("Too much lipstick on my collar,

Done spent down to my last ol'dollar.

Too Late now, to gripe and holler...")

Honky Tonkin' tonight.

Last minute call to sub for Scottie B, so it's radio today.

Followed by a reggae band on the Downtown Mall... and

two tickets to see the Hackensaw Boys and Old Crow Medecine Show

at Starr Hill. Punk Old Time. If my Doc Marten friends could see me now.

I'll Be Back.


hit me with your rhythm stick

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