
05 August, 2003

I might have been a lot more fastidious with the entries... but i haven't.

Not that the canvas has been blank. Oh, no.

Not that imminent crisis has weighed heavily. Not that, either.

Mainly, i've been running so hard, there hasn't been enough energy to sit behind the monitor, late night, like usual.

More radio (punctuated by a call from a Jamaican lady, breathlessly excited about the music... exclaiming, "mi nevah know you play this kinna music in this town! and, you mus' know tomorrow's my birthday wi dis niceness!"). A most excellent band from NYC channeling the spirit of Fela Anikuapo Kuti, and animated conversation with a most charming lady from Ghana. An evening with Biggles and his family.

A solemn trip to the cemetery with my mother, casting the ashes of her pup on the resting place of her original owner... our cousin. Surrounded by ancient stones, weathered and indecipherable... deep impressions in the ground... twisted and barnacled iron fences... silence everywhere, though the highway was scant yards away.

Taking her car away to remove the painful reminders of scent and fur of dog... the first it's been washed in years.

The incessant work-work-work of Sunday... climaxing in unending thunderstorms.

And, back to the relentless routine.

But i'm visualizing my r�sum�... just set down a weeks worth of vacation... and am dreaming of ocean.

Soon... soon.


hit me with your rhythm stick

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