
25 December, 2002
So This Is Christmas

And now... the calm returns.

The cash registers are quiet.

The last straggling gifts miraculously found their way to the mailbox, and the wrapping paper.

Delayed plans for the get-togethers extend the holiday into a season.

Slow-motion snow cascaded across my path in the steel-grey afternoon.

...not a bad start.

For those of you who have made their presence, humor, cares and wisdom known to me (a tour of the guestbook will punctuate)... I wish for you a serene and satisfying atmosphere that will go far beyond the confines of twenty-four hours. There are benevolent souls on the other side of this screen... that's my present, every day.

Of course, Santa...

...anything extra would be nice. And I'd cut the blaze in the hearth to make it easy! Silliness aside, it's time to take a stroll outside and listen to... nothing. For one brief moment.


hit me with your rhythm stick

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