
19 June, 2002
-Rolled Up

Long Beach Dub All Stars flailing away with "No Way" on the box...

A mound of magazines to send to plates on the tabletop...

My brain a sad little crispy critter after having driven home last night, and back up here again, today. "No Way" was i going to stay over when informed that Jim's house would be populated with kids.

Last time that happened, the TV directly under my room was on all night,

Stumbling downstairs, sleepless, I was regaled with the sight of naked five-year-olds cavorting full-bore around the kitchen. Bleary -eyed and bed-haired, I attempted to get a pot of coffee going to take the edge off.

And yet, there was no bloodshed.

Can't make that promise, twice.

344 miles in two days, 24 hours of work in 48. I can do this.

But i've been having other evil thoughts.

Thoughts that might have severe reprecussions.

Thoughts that might turn into actions.

Things might turn ugly.

What doesn't kill you makes you stronger.


hit me with your rhythm stick

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