
29 March, 2003
American Lives Don't Have Second Acts"

This is a phrase that will no doubt haunt me for some time to come.

It sprang, unbidden, from the VCR in the middle of 24 Hour Party People... a film about the rise and fall of the Manchester punk scene and Factory Records. A Must See.

Not just another pithy street slogan, this came from F. Sc0tt F1tzgerald. And it's got me wondering. About the circumstances. The comparison. The truthfulness. The stagnant horror that sounds like a damning epitaph. It's not just hearing "Love Will Tear Us Apart" in it's historical context... it's a collection of words that strike a chord. Familiar and dissonant.

"She's Lost Control Again." Fuck, everythings's emulating J0y Division. She went ballistic when she couldn't get a check deposited. Her cat is going berserk sporadically. There is one screwed up vibe that's making peculiar noises in the house... barely heard, from no one place.

Wild swings. Raw, potentially destructive. Outside of me.

This shit can cease at any time, please.

Or else there'll need to be a second act.

The Volvo lives. Again. The cylinder head is back on the Trooper. I got my hair cut (but retain the dread) at a salon full of mommies cooing over babies. I paid half of what I owe for the Miata, safely back in Miss Jane's account. I absorbed an entire plate of artery-clogging farfalle al salmone.

This should have been a good day, by all accounts.

But there's something not still about the air...and it's not just the staccato drip of rain in the gutter, outside the open door.

By the pricking of my thumbs....

I stumbled across the definition of "fascism" on someone's desktop at work on Wednesday (superimposed over an image of the cave paintings at Lascaux). It, too is chilling:

"fas-cism ('fash-,iz-em) n 2. a political philosophy, movement or regime that exalts nation and race and stands for a centralized autocratic leader, severe economic and social regimentation and forcible suppression of opposition."

This description is not wanting for willing applicants.

74 billion to flatten the Tigris/Euphrates (where they told us in school was the birthplace of civilization), gripes about municipal costs to suppress protests.

What this is ain't exactly a thrill.


hit me with your rhythm stick

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