
20 November, 2002
Worth A Thousand Words... perhaps

It never fails... whenever I chance to leave the camera behind, up erupts one of the better images of the week.


Limped into the Tyson's area (by virtue of the whimsical gearbox... in a bad mood, today) on the toll road. Mission: to replace the beret that I lost a couple of weeks ago, the best bet being the military surplus store.

Now, I'm picky about headgear. Considering that most of middle

America once found it necessary, nay, socially responsible to wear something on the head at all times, I resisted from my earliest days. But, being bent the way that I am, "maturity" has changed things... especially since hats aren't generally cool, anymore... and my wardrobe is the definition of what is not cool. In this decade. That would explain the pith helmet.

Again, with the digressions. As chilly as it's been of late, the need for cranial insulation led me to don my brothers old leather kangol. As much as I still miss him, though, I'm starting to get a little freaked by wearing his old clothes... after all this time. Time to bite the bullet and get a new chapeau.

This part of NoVa used to be my hood. The roads seemed unchanged, but the eruption of brick and concrete was bewildering. Concrete Jungle, indeed. Man-made skyline obscuring any incursion of nature. Wall-to-wall wheeled projectiles.

After finding a spot in the Christmas-like riot of cars that was the parking lot, I ducked into the surplus extravaganza, found the correct skypiece and paid the black-tattooed salesguys.

Opened the door onto the sidewalk... and there it was.

Directly across 7, behind a huge, curved, brick-and-glass structure loomed a turreted construction, emblazoned up one column with the bright red letters, "NADA." This, of course, having a connection with the used auto industry... but considering the bleak urbanness of the scene made me see it in spanish terms. A BIG nada. I'm sure the humor of the situation is not lost on the latin population.

They say that a picture is worth a thousand words. This entry is a sterling example.


hit me with your rhythm stick

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