
-From Ras to Trailer Trash

Gawd, the vagaries of the printing world. Either it's panic mode, or the doldrums. Well, we're floating windless, today.

All the better... Gotta get my playlist together for Friday's "Diesel Smoke, Dangerous Curves" show for WTjU's Folk & Roots Marathon.

Strangely enough, got minimal pledge response for last Friday's "Roots Daughters" program... which, according to emails, went over pretty well (To the uninitiated, I've been DJing the "Reggae Vibratons" program for ten years, this month... on a reggae show that has existed at this timeslot since 1979). It was another one of those situations where I was sweating over having enough music to stretch over the two hours, and wound up with hours more music that I could have played.

Some of the selections:

(Ska/Rocksteady (60's Soul, Jamaican style)

Millie Small "My Boy Lollipop"

Phyllis Dillon "Rock Steady"

Hortense Ellis "Sitting In The Park"

"Breakfast In Bed"

(Chrissie Hynde remade this one)

Derrick & Patsy "Housewive's Choice"

Gaylettes "Silent River Runs Deep"

(Judy Mowatt's first gig)

Rootsier stuff:

I-Threes (Bob Marley's backup vocalists)

"Many Are Called"

Rita Marley "One Draw"

Marcia Griffiths "Dreamland"

"Steppin' Out Of Babylon"

Ranking Ann "Aid Travel With A Bomb"

Lillian Allen "Nelly Belly Swelly"

...a pretty jarring account of rape. Like lots of reggae, a disturbing message is swaddled in a sweetly syncopated rhythm.

I need to create this in list form, once I get more acclimated to what I can and cannot do here. Still flexing.

Why the about-face with truck driver songs? My appreciation for the theater of the absurd, mainly. And steel guitar, neon signs, and loud music. Plus, being dragged to honky tonks when my brother and I were little has permanently engraved some pretty egregious music in my little grey cells. Ran across a recent issue of MOJO magazine (UK music, young George Harrison on the cover) that had a great essay, clips of album cover arts from the 60's... and nothing eclipses the tackiness factor like truck driving albums. Beyond Kitsch (I'll post some jpegs once I get past the company firewall).

Probably why I woke up with "A Tombstone Every Mile" by Dick Curless in my head... life has gifted me with an internal jukebox that fires up when I open my eyes (regardless whether I've heard the song in the past thirty years or not). Uplifting fare for awakening. This will become a diary fixture in the future. Beware.

I drive home in a few hours, on the last day of my three day exile. Think I'll take the long way back. Many chores await. Including resurrecting the Reggae Vibes site... our website weenie has crapped out on updating my playlists since last August.

The Devil makes use of idle hands.


hit me with your rhythm stick

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