
01 September, 2005
this world is not my home, i'm just passing through

no matter how fucked up you think life can be, it will always surprise you with fucked-up-edness beyond your wildest imaginings.

i only thought that days upon days of spewing foulness with racking coughs, and chills, then sweats was a personal vendetta set upon me by familiar demons...

...or that the medical/insurance establishment had singled me out as a poster boy for how individuals are just pawns for the "gods" to play with...

...or that there are glimmers of hope beyond self-imposed soul-crushing defeat...

...or that the Crescent City was actually given a reprieve, when the worst was to come... so much worse.

the latter we can blame on the ArmyCorpsOfEngineers and the money-laundering fratboy-poseur-from-Crawford...

...all the rest i can blame on myself.

the BigEasy will probably return...

...and so will i.

but it won't be tomorrow.


hit me with your rhythm stick

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