
20 August, 2002
Horse Lattitudes


...the seas are flat.

Currents flow, for gravity deems it must be so.


Think of wall barometers, in old folks' dark hallways. Three flavors on the dial: "Fair," "Stormy"... and in between, "Change." Where the needle sticks.

All this dramatic/thematic crap, two days now, and I don't even watch the Weath*r Ch*nnel... though I do know some who watch just for the wimmenfolk. How pathetic is that?

Left from the house, at noontime... fairly confident that it'll still be there when the time comes for return. For the first time in many weeks, locking the door behind with all of the fans stilled. And not a soul in attendance.

Which I can't say feels "bad" or "disturbing." Kinda like... nothing.

The past few days, for all of the solitude... don't seem so very different than what passes for normal. No phone calls given, nor received. Absence, but no vacuum. Silence, but not deafening.

Every square inch of Virginia highway was under construction, today. Mindboggling. Richmond preaches dire straits, and there's asphalt flowing everywhere. Ah, yes, those tax dollars at work.

Consequently, I "flowed" into work, twenty minutes late.

Maybe the wind'll pick up, tomorrow.


hit me with your rhythm stick

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